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Jenni Donohoo Center for Collective Efficacy

Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy Survey 

How can you improve the conditions that are known to enhance collective teacher efficacy?

Collective efficacy scales like Goddard & Hoy (2000) and Tschannen-Moran & Barr’s (2004) are designed to capture the degree to which collective efficacy is present in a school and therefore measure teachers’ future-oriented perceptions about their collective ability to motivate students, deal with disciplinary issues, and facilitate student learning.


The Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy Survey measures the antecedents of collective efficacy with the purpose of providing direction to school leaders and administrators regarding areas in which to focus improvement efforts.


  • Empowered teachers

  • Embedded reflective practices

  • Cohesive teacher knowledge

  • Goal consensus

  • Supportive leadership

How important is Collective Teacher Efficacy?

With an effect size of 1.39, CTE is ranked as the number one factor influencing student achievement (Hattie, 2019). Collective teacher efficacy, as an influence on student achievement, is a contribution that comes from the school – not the home nor the students themselves. According to the Visible Learning Research, CTE is beyond three times more powerful and predictive of student achievement than parental involvement. It is more than double the effect of prior achievement, home environment, and socio-economic status. It is also greater than two times more likely to influence student achievement than student concentration, persistence, and engagement.

What information will you gain from the survey?

The reports will provide school, district leaders, and teams with insights, based upon the perceptions of their staff, into the enabling conditions at the school, or schools, under their guidance. The evidence provided could be used to assist in planning necessary interventions to improve collective teacher efficacy and, ultimately, student learning outcomes. It is strongly advised that the insights and evidence gained from the EC-CTES should form the basis for identifying questions to feed into progressive inquiry amongst school leaders. This has the added benefit of improving collective leader efficacy.

How are the reports structured?

This report has been structured to provide:


  • An overall summary or results for each of the five enabling conditions.

  • A summary of results at the question level.

  • A detailed summary of results providing insights into results based upon staff member classification.

  • A summary of school specific recommendations on the first administration of the survey.

  • Normative data provides information about where your school is situated in relation to each of the enabling conditions compared to all of the schools in the database.


  • Fee: $1,250 per school, fee includes 3 administration of the survey.

  • Timing of administrations: Immediate, 9-12 months, 18-24 months.

  • Optional services: 1 Hour Webinar to review summary of survey, please contact us for more information.



We look forward to collaborating!

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