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Are your PLCs struggling? Are you just getting started with PLCs?

We have solutions!

Current Workshops


We offer workshops for teachers, leaders, and staff throughout the school year. Click here to view our current offerings.

Keynotes and Workshops


​We can provide keynotes designed to address different audiences (administrators, teachers, and/or support staff) and we can work with you to customize messages to suit your purpose and needs. Whether it’s a small gathering or a large conference you are organizing, we can help by delivering key messages about assessment and grading that will motivate the audience to take action and implement PLCs that make an observable impact on learning. Contact us to get started!

PLC Analysis


Did you implement PLCs years ago?  Have you had a large turnover in staff since the implementation? Wondering how well your PLCs are functioning? How consistent are your PLCs across your teams, grade levels, and schools?

Are your teams having an observable impact on student learning? In order to best support your schools in meeting your PLC goals, each step in our audit process is guided by the unique needs of your school or district. Allow us to analyze your progress and collaboratively determine your next steps. Click Here to learn more!

Long-Term Support:
On-Site and Virtual Coaching

Team Building Session

Our coaching program is designed to help guide teams through the implementation of PLC strategies and tools.  One or more of our expert coaches will work side-by-side and/or virtually with your team and/or leaders to help ensure success. Contact Us to talk about your professional learning needs!



“It’s hard to keep people focused during collaboration.”

“We collaborate about standards, when do we talk about the challenges in my class?”

“Every outcome is important—they’re all essential!.”

“This might work for departments like English or Math, but I am the only Spanish teacher—who do I collaborate with?”

“Getting ready to lead collaboration time feels like another prep.”
“Can I collaborate by myself?”


Do any of these sound familiar? Do they sound similar to things you hear when you are working in your PLCs? If so, you are not alone. Thousands and thousands of districts across North America and the globe have spent time, effort and resources over the last two decades to create embedded time within the school day for educators to collaborate. And while the research behind professional learning communities collaborating to improve their teaching is clear, the application of professional learning communities and collaborative time can be foggy for educators at all levels of the system. At The PLC Center, we help educators connect their collaborative work to OBSERVABLE IMPACT - the changes in practice that students, educators, district staff and community members can actually observe that make a difference to our students and our results in our schools and our classrooms. 


And if you and your teams are interested in building collective efficacy, the number one factor that influences student achievement, global thought leader and author of Collective Teacher Efficacy Jenni Donohoo says “Collective efficacy is strengthened when collaborative teams see the results of their combined efforts, and they will do so by engaging in the Observable Impact process.”



The PLC Center empowers collaborative team leaders, school leaders and district leaders to develop the capacity of their PLC teams to improve teaching and learning by connecting their actions to impact in their classrooms with students and educators.  And now, the tools and protocols of THE PLC Center are being used by districts around North America to build collective efficacy in their schools!


The PLC Center’s Mission is to provide Collaborative Teams with the necessary tools and protocols to truly function as a Professional Learning Community and increase the observable impact in every classroom as a result of each team’s collaborative actions.


Our Vision at The PLC Center is to ensure that ALL collaborative teams globally feel confident, competent and empowered to meet the diverse needs of all students they serve. By providing a clear process for collaboration, with practical tools and protocols, ALL schools will create a more observable impact within their schools and classrooms. 

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Our Team

Cale Birk

Cale Birk
PLC 2.0 Imagineer
and Lead Consultant


Gabe Hackett

Gabe Hackett
The FIRST Education
PLC Center Director


Garth Larson
FIRST Educational Resources CEO

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Contact Us to Learn More

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