Five Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy
Laminated Guide

Five Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy
Laminated Guide
Jenni Donohoo (Author)
Collective efficacy is the shared conviction that educators make a significant contribution in raising student achievement. It is a powerful belief system that results in more successful outcomes in schools because collective efficacy positively impacts teachers’ motivations, goals, and efforts. Teachers who believe that they can make a positive difference in the lives of students, regardless of the challenges posed by students’ home environments, not only get better results; they also have a greater sense of professional satisfaction and well-being. Therefore, fostering a sense of collective efficacy amongst a faculty is important for students and teachers alike. This guide is designed to help teachers and leaders better understand and reflect on the conditions that lead to a higher sense of efficacy in today’s schools.
About the Author
Dr. Jenni Donohoo is a five-time best-selling author and professional learning facilitator with more than 25 years’ experience in leading school improvement. Jenni works in school districts across the globe supporting high-quality professional learning designed to improve outcomes for all students. As the Director of the Jenni Donohoo Center for Collective Efficacy, Jenni has been recognized internationally as an educational thought leader. She has a PhD in Educational Studies and Supervisory Officer Qualifications and has taught in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.