Looking for Social, Behavioral and Mental Health Support in Your Schools?
We Have Solutions!
Current Workshops
We offer workshops for teachers, leaders, and staff throughout the school year. Click here to view our current offerings.
Onsite and Virtual Coaching

Our coaching program is designed to help guide teams through changes in assessment and grading within your schools. One or more of our expert coaches will work side-by-side and/or virtually with your team and/or leaders to help ensure success. Contact us to get started!
AESEL Analysis

Collaboratively, we work with you to analyze your data and your current instructional practices using an analysis process. With support from our team, clearly defined actions and outcomes for staff, students, and leaders will be developed to put you on a path toward meeting your goals. Click Here to learn more.
Customized Institutes, Workshops, and Keynotes

We can partner with your organization in offering cost-affordable and customized half-day, full-day or longer-term institutes and/or webinars in which your schools can not only learn about academics, school/classroom environment, or social emotional topics aligned to your goals, but also apply what they are learning to their own context. The content is designed to move you toward effective and authentic practices at all levels in your organization (e.g. system leaders, school leaders, and/or classroom educators). Contact us to learn more.

Across the country, school districts are trying to find a way to meet the array of needs within their students and they have spent countless amounts of time, resources, and energy on this endeavor. Many districts are still searching for a balance in how to create an environment in which students and staff feel like they belong and are supported, creating an academic environment that pushes student learning with high expectations and honoring student differences, and supports the development of everyone’s social emotional needs. The AESEL Center was created to help schools meet this challenge. With practical strategies and processes, the AESEL Center helps schools increase student achievement, develop supportive environments, and enhance the social emotional skills of stakeholders.

The FIRST Education AESEL Center provides equitable training, resources and support to school districts, leaders, and teachers pertaining to all things related to enhancing academics, developing supportive environments, and developing social emotional skills to ensure that all students have equitable learning opportunities.
The FIRST Education AESEL Center will develop teachers and leaders who have confidence in their abilities to implement best practices to achieve academic success, supportive environments, and develop social emotional skills of students and adults allowing ALL students to experience high levels of equitable learning.