Math Workshop Guide
Laminated Guide

Math Workshop Guide
Laminated Guide
Shelly Daun (Author) and Amanda Ironside (Author)
Math Workshop is a pedagogical approach designed to empower students by shifting the focus towards a more student-centered learning experience. This methodology encourages students to engage in reflection, reasoning, collaboration, communication, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, transforming them from mere math students into active participants in the realm of mathematical thinking. This guide was developed to show how the flexibility of Math Workshop enables teachers to cater to the diverse needs of their students effectively.
About the Author
Shelly Daun has over 28 years of professional experience in public education serving as a classroom teacher, gifted and talented teacher, instructional coach, principal, and central office administrator in both large suburban and mid-sized high poverty school districts. She has extensive experience in systems change and school-wide reform, all with a curriculum design that focuses on improving student outcomes for ALL students. Using student data, she has coached teachers and administrators in developing standards-aligned instruction and assessment, implementing research-based instructional pedagogy all while providing students with access and equity to rigorous content. In 2022, the Wisconsin Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development recognized Shelly as the “Instructional Leader of the Year” for the State of Wisconsin. Currently, she is the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in a school district in northeastern Wisconsin and serves as the Director of the FIRST Education Math Center.

Amanda Ironside has over 20 years of experience in public education where she has enjoyed working as an elementary teacher, math interventionist, gifted & talented teacher and instructional coach. Currently, she is the Gifted, Talented & Advanced Learner Coordinator for her district. Amanda is an instructional leader, focusing on curriculum development and enhancing educational pedagogy in order to meet the diverse needs of all students. She has extensive experience coaching and collaborating with teachers and students so that their unique academic and instructional needs are met through extensions and support when appropriate. Through coaching and collaborating,she shares research-based strategies and provides support in developing instructional plans based on best practice. She is an innovator in her district, providing professional development in multiple disciplines and at all grade levels. Amanda is also the Director of First Educational Resources MTSS Center.