Ready to maximize the impact and reach of your Instructional Coaching?
That's Our Speciality!
Coaching Program Effectiveness Analysis
Instructional Coaching is an investment that a school or district makes in the hope that it will lead to improved instruction. The question is...how do we know if our coaching is leading student learning growth? Our analysis approach comprehensively examines all aspects of your coaching program. Click here to learn more.
New Teacher and Mentor Comprehensive Program
Take the struggle out of designing training and support for New Teachers and their Mentors. Our comprehensive program will provide you with everything you need to launch and sustain your New Teacher Program. Click here to learn more about what is included.
Customized Institutes, Workshops, and Keynotes
The FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center provides a variety of in-person and virtual events. In addition to our public offerings, we welcome the opportunity to provide personalized instructional coaching training and support to schools and districts. All sessions are customized to the needs of the audience. Click Here to view our full list of offerings.
Current Workshops
We offer workshops for teachers, leaders, and staff throughout the school year. Click here to view our current offerings.
Coaching Cycles Laminated Guide

Coaching cycles are a powerful practice that coaches can leverage to improve teaching craft and to impact student outcomes. Getting started with cycles, and ensuring impact within cycles, takes planning, knowledge, and deep coaching skills. The "Learning- and Growth-Focused Coaching Cycles" laminated guide examines the aspects of coaching that must be developed in order to improve the effectiveness of coaching cycles. Additional electronic tools are provided throughout the guide to allow coaches to get started with this work right away! Click here to learn more.
Mentoring for New Instructional Coaches
There is nothing more thrilling, and nerve-racking, than accepting your first instructional coaching position. We've been there! Our team of experienced, currently practicing instructional coaches are standing by and ready to support new instructional coaches during their first few years. Click here to learn more.
FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Certification
The FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Certification provides coaches with a unique opportunity to develop their skills, to receive 1-on-1 coaching and feedback, and to earn Certification verifying their coaching competence. The Certification pathway provides opportunities for coaches to select areas for deeper focus and can be started at any time! Click here to learn more.
Instructional Coaching Professional Networks
The FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center is pleased to provide opportunities for Instructional Coaches to network and learn together. Instructional Coaches in Wisconsin can connect in-person through the Wisconsin Instructional Coaching Network. If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to network with coaches across the country, contact us to learn more.

The FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center was founded by Coaches and is focused on the unique learning needs of Instructional Coaches and those who lead Coaching programs. We believe that instructional coaching must be designed to meet the needs of the school, the teacher, and the students who will benefit from the work. This means that coaches must be knowledgeable about a variety of coaching approaches and models and know how to determine which method will work best at any given time. The workshops and other supports offered through the FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center are designed to strengthen and deepen coaches' understanding and skills on a theoretical and practical level.

The FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center provides training, coaching, and resources to leaders and coaches so that instruction in partner districts is systemically aligned and intentionally designed to meet the needs of all learners.
We will develop coaches and leaders who have confidence in their skills, and who implement coaching practices that allow all students to experience high levels of growth and to achieve at high levels

Our Team

Danica Lewis, Director
FIRST Education Instructional Coaching Center

Maria Dyslin

Amy Lubben

Nicole Mashock

Kathy Myles