Event Description

The last four years in education have brought forth some of the biggest challenges in our nation’s history. Educators have done everything they can to support the needs of students and have done a phenomenal job of doing so despite the obstacles they face. With that being said, educators are looking for additional ways to best support the diverse needs of the students in their classrooms, schools, and districts. Unlike other conferences that have people telling educators what to do, this conference focuses on providing perspectives on what educators can do through the framework of Culturize, by Jimmy Casas. Using these transformational pillars of behavior, showcased below, each of the sessions will apply perspectives on how to meet the 4 Core Values of the Culturize framework and put them into action in your schools.
Champion for Students: Never Quit on a Student. When a student doesn’t meet your expectations, invest more time to understand their story. Show compassion and empathy. When we take time to connect to their experiences, it shows we value them and their voice.
Expect Excellence: What we model is what we get. Model the behaviors you want others to emulate. We should never ask others to do what we are not willing to do ourselves. Every school has average, but we should not allow average to be the standard.
Carry the Banner: Be a positive voice at all times for your students, colleagues and families. Do your best to create meaningful experiences with those whom you come in contact with so when they walk away, they speak positively about their interaction with you.
Merchant of Hope: Believe that everyone wants to be great. No student, parent, or staff member wants to be a failure. However, there will be times when people lose their ways. Believe you can inspire others to be more and do more than they ever thought possible.
Culturize affords attendees the opportunity to hear a variety of perspectives from some of the best thought leaders in the field of education. Through these perspectives, on a variety of topics within education, attendees will learn how they can apply the Culturize Core Values in their context and, ultimately, create a plan to use what they've learned as the 2024-25 school year begins. This IS the summer conference that will not only provide educators with perspectives on practical tools and strategies for the 2024-25 school year, but will also provide a renewed sense of energy and optimism for this great profession.

​Visionary Presenters: At each Culturize Institute, you will learn from presenters who are recognized nationally and internationally as among the foremost educational thinkers in their field.
Connection Opportunities: In addition to learning from presenters who are accomplished educational trailblazers, each Institute has time built into the schedule for reflection and discussion - allowing intentional time for attendees from all over to network and discuss issues in which they are interested.
Tools You Can Use: You will leave the Culturize Institute with not only tools you can implement, but ideas, strategies, and skills you can put to use immediately in your classroom, school, or district.
Crucial, Ongoing Conversations: Our presenters are passionate about connecting face-to-face with each conference attendee throughout the conference. In addition, they are committed to continuing these conversations after the conference when attendees seek them out for guidance and support.
Variety: At each Culturize Institute, you will experience a wide range of presenters speaking, including current classroom teachers, building administrators, practicing superintendents, and best-selling educational authors. In addition, we schedule a variety of sessions, from large, traditional, keynote presentations to small breakout sessions.
Value: Our Culturize Institute fees are priced below the fees charged at professional learning events of similar duration and quality of speakers. We work hard to keep the cost of attending our conferences as affordable as possible while providing worthwhile learning throughout the event from the opening keynote to the breakout sessions to the closing keynote.
Location: Our Institutes are scheduled within proximity to major metropolitan areas easily accessed by car or plane.
Rooms are available at the Hyatt Regency for $129/night.
Your Presenter(s)
Breakout Presenters