PLC 2.0 Sample Chapter
This chapter explains a new way to approach professional learning communities with the goal of observable impact.
This product consists of two books combined together. PLC 2.0: Collaborating for Observable Impact in Today's Schools and the PLC 2.0 Toolkit: Tools and Protocols for Observable Impact. Schools across the globe have invested time, effort and resources into creating collaboration time. And while the research on educators collaborating to examine and improve their practice is clear, the practice of educators working together and the impact this has on changing the learning experience for students is less conclusive. PLC 2.0 moves districts and schools beyond research to PRACTICE and OBSERVABLE IMPACT--the type of impact that we can observe in our classrooms. This book will take all educators through the various aspects of the PLC 2.0 Observable Impact Model, provide them with practical tools and protocols developed to enhance their collaborative time, and make them leaving confident their collaborative time is finally making an observable difference within classrooms, buildings and school districts!