Event Description
Deepen your mastery of student behavior management in this practical 90-minute workshop developed specifically for classroom teachers. Moving beyond the administrative overview, this interactive session transforms the Need-Response Matrix into concrete daily practices that prevent disruptions and foster a positive learning environment.
Working with authentic classroom scenarios, teachers will master quick-response techniques for identifying student needs in the moment, learn to structure their classroom environment to meet common needs proactively, and develop a personalized toolbox of supports and structures that work within their teaching style. Participants will see how subtle shifts in classroom routines and teacher responses can dramatically impact the twenty most challenging behaviors facing schools today.
This prevention-focused session guides teachers through creating their own classroom implementation plan, with special emphasis on maintaining instructional momentum while addressing behavioral challenges. Teachers will practice real-time decision-making using our proven framework, explore strategies for building student self-regulation skills, and learn to create classroom systems that naturally reduce behavioral disruptions.
Participants will leave with a complete classroom implementation kit, including daily planning tools, student observation templates, intervention scripts, and success-tracking resources - everything needed to begin transforming their classroom management approach immediately.
Your Presenter(s)
Greg Wolcott

Greg Wolcott currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning at Woodridge School District 68 in Woodridge, Illinois, a suburb 30 miles west of Chicago. As an educator in the Chicagoland area for over 20 years, Greg is passionate about developing opportunities for all students to succeed as well as finding ways for all teachers and staff members to utilize their strengths to maximize the learning of each and every child whom they interact with on a daily basis.Greg consults throughout the United States on a variety of subjects including adult learning, developing innovative practices in the classroom to engage all learners, formative assessment to drive instruction, response to instruction/intervention, and data usage for school improvement.